Hi folks
I have database with about 7m nodes and relationships, and I'm currently executing the following query:
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes('organization', 'food' )
YIELD node
WITH node as org LIMIT 5000
MATCH (org)<-[:LOCATED_IN]-(loc:Locatio...
I tried this, but regex doesn't seem to work.
MATCH (org:Organization)<-[:LOCATED_IN]-(loc:Location)
org.name=~ '.*food.*' OR org.description=~ '.*food.*' OR org.classification=~ '.*food.*'
loc.zipCode IN ["752...
Thanks for the suggestion @andrew.bowman
I considered this approach as well, and if possible I'm sure it's definitely better. The only problem I have is how to do a full text search on the returned results for location.
Something like:
MATCH (org)<-[...
UNWIND range(0, size($orgs) - 1) as i
with i
MERGE (o:Organization { id: $orgs[i].id })-[r:LOCATED_AT]->(l:Location {id: $locs[i].id})
with o, i
MERGE (o)-[r2:CONTACT_AT]->(l2:Contact {id: $contacts[i].id})
Worked perfectly...