hi everyone,
I have a database with 600 nodes, they are all long texts, and I have to calculate the similarity to find duplicates with the cosine similarity function. how can i write the query?
thank you very much
hi, i have a problem with this quary:
match(n:Reato), (m:Reato) where n.Id > m.Id with toInteger(apoc.text.jaroWinklerDistance(n.totale, m.totale) * 100) as sim1,toInteger(apoc.text.distance(n.totale, m.totale) * 100) as sim2 where sim1 > 8...
i am a university student and i am doing my thesis on neo4j.
The aim of the thesis is to find the similarity between various nodes.
Nodes have 3 properties but I am only interested in one which is called "text" and is a very long string (a newspa...