I build a Grandstack app locally on my desktop connecting to a Neo4j database running locally as well. In order to migrate to the cloud I started looking into Aura and have my database deployed into free and professional tier. Keeping it simple I tho...
Hello, I have been using deep links into Bloom from a Word document, which previously nicely opened Bloom and started a predefined search. Here is an example: neo4j://graphapps/neo4j-bloom/%5b?search=SourceReference%20by%2024713&perspective=NewFounda...
I just tried to get started with the Grandstack,io starter project and seem to be running into errors during the installation procedure. Has anyone else experienced this? I noticed that there have been changes recently to make the install easier, but...
It's probably something rather simple, but how do I uninstall or delete a graph app in Neo4j Desktop 1.3.3? Cannot figure that one out. Many thanks in advance.
Not sure whether this is possible, I tried and couldn't get it to work. I'd like to run a query to return a list of label names and the associated node counts based on this cypher query:
RETURN labels(n), COUNT(labels(n))
I thought I might ...
Hi Cory,
thank you, removing the "+s" worked and I can now run my react app with the GraphQL backend. I guess it can be simple if one knows how to ;-). I am not an expert developer so some of these nuances get missed. Since I am actually loading the...
Hi Cory,
thanks for getting back to me. I simply tried to replace the values in the .env file which is used to store username and password for the database. I am wondering whether there is anything specific in the grandstack.io app that fails, but I ...
If one has a user defined with roles in Neo4j 4.2. Can you login with that user defined in the Neo4j system database rather than the Aura login password? It appears that this is not possible at the moment based on my own testing.
Looks like someone e...
Just tried again and am getting the following errors still:
Create GRANDstack App
Creating directory '/Users/whoeck/Applications/mynewgrandstackapp'
Downloading latest release
Extracting latest release
Creating Local env file with configuration ...
I believe I simply re-installed Bloom only, which solved the problem. Still don’t know why, but was relieved when it was resolved. Hope this will work for you as well.