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Node Clone
since ‎09-04-2018

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all below is using the legis-graph dataset available on Neo4j sandbox Below are two queries that have tradeoffs between db hits and rows returned after each output. To reduce cardinality, it seems that the first query is more efficient. However, in t...
For the following example, let's consider the movie dataset. Let's say we wanted to add a NOMINATED relationships between certain actors for different nomination e.g. Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, etc. Let's say I wanted to query and find how ma...
Is there a way to load a csv with the column headers as the properties of a certain node label and the corresponding values to each row without having to explicitly list it out: So instead of below: LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "some_csv.csv" AS row CR...
I have these 2 queries: This one below, I negate two nodes from being equal: MATCH (tom:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActor:Person), (coActor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coCoActor:Person) WHERE = "Tom Hanks" AN...
The query below - MATCH (p:Person)-[:WROTE]->(m:Movie) WHERE NOT exists( (p)-[:DIRECTED]->() ) RETURN, m.title reads as such, correct? "Match all people who wrote a movie who did not direct ANY movie" It does not read as the following: "Match ...
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