Looks like the documentation for matching on multiple relationship types is out of date?
Caused by: org.neo4j.ogm.exception.CypherException: Cypher execution fail...
It appears now with 4.0.0 Enterprise and Java 11 we can bind JMX to a particular address instead of broadcasting it to the world using these settings:
# Remote JMX monitoring, uncomment and adjust the following lines as needed. Absolute paths to jmx....
With Bolt configured like this cypher-shell with Neo4j 4.0 seems to not like the self-signed certificates anymore:
./bin/cypher-shell --database system -u neo4j -p $secret --encryption true --debug
org.neo4j.driver.exceptions.SecurityException: Faile...
Looks like memrec in Neo4j 4.0 is behaving a bit erratically with an empty database:
./bin/neo4j-admin memrec
# Memory settings recommendation from neo4j-admin memrec:
# Assuming the system is dedicated to running Neo4j and has 3.646GiB of memory,
We currently employ the neo4j-backup Maven dependency to orchestrate our Neo4j backups. Are there any plans to upload the 4.x-compatible packages?
As a part of the upgrade we want to create 4....
This topic came up again as we're looking at clustering Neo4j 4.1.1 - from reading the updated article:
Medium – 28 Jun 20
Getting Certificates for Neo4j with LetsEncrypt
Using Neo4j’s cloud VMs, a common question is how...
Not sure how that's working for you but I found the relationship syntax in the deprecation notes:
MATCH (n)-[:A|:B|...
This issue affects a 4.0 database but this works in < 4.0 databases:
MATCH path =()-[:InFLOW|:OutFLOW]-() return path
but the same query in my 4.0.3 install throws: