I would like to copy database to another database
steps I do
create a new local dbms "Test1" with user name and passwordcopy database (that want to copy) to dbms folder.open terminal on my local dbms (test1)run command bin\neo4j-admin copy --f...
I would like to return a list of nodeId in the path.
MATCH (m),(o),
p = shortestPath((m)-[*..15]-(o))
WHERE id(m) = 11 AND id(o) = 23
RETURN nodes(p)
How to return just id of nodes from this path?
output I expected
I got the dataset from my boss but nodes don't have labels. I want to find all pairs shortest path.
the dataset has about 10000 nodes.
Please check my code is right?
CALL gds.alpha.allShortestPaths.stream({
nodeProjection: '*',
I am new to neo4j.
I got an error while import .osm file to neo4j.
error I got : Failed to invoke procedure spatial.importOSM: Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: .\import\niedersachsen_01.osm (The filename, directory name, or volume lab...
weight(distance/cost) is a property Keys of the graph,
here I will explain a example:
CREATE (a:Location {name: 'A'}),
(b:Location {name: 'B'}),
(c:Location {name: 'C'}),
(h:Location {name: 'H'}),
(j:Location {name: 'J'}),
(a)-[:ROAD {cost: 50}]->(b...
I have 5000 nodes and their relation in my database. but this code shows empty .
please help me
call db.schema.visualization
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