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since ‎12-12-2022

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  • 12 Posts
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Hi, I installed the GDS Library plugin in the Neo4j Desktop plugin section and I also wrote* in the setting of the project. But it keeps giving me this error: gds.graph.project.cypher is unavailable because ...
Hi, I'm using these three parameters (strings) in this Cypher query. It runs everything correctly, without finding any errors, but the relationship I want to create with the LINE_ID MERGE does not appear on the Neo4j Browser. Can anyone explain to me...
Hi,I would like to know how to import and create a node with a multilinestring wkt geometry like this: saving the geometry in a property called 'geometry'. Thanks for the reply.
  Hi, i have to import the nodes 'Linea', taken from a json file, into the 'spatial' layer  i created: but unfortunately, running the script on the prompt, i get this error. Can you help me? The nodes not are simple points, but they have a geometry ...