Describe one use case that Neo4j would be a good fit
Why is the use case a good fit?Discuss what the graph would look like.What would the nodes and relationships represent?What properties would be assigned to some nodes and relationships?
Hi most of the queries/outputs tackle questions in relation to actor. Please help in formulating a query that outputs which movie has the most number of actors in it and which pair of actors have acted together in most number of movies?
yes, i found this that I have pretty much used to get some understanding. I was curious about other points of view.
My main interest is what is a unique use case you have found that neo...
Hi, thank you so much for your response. I was trying put this query below and I get 12. Yours outputs 14. Why is there a discrepancy and which is the correct answer to the question?MATCH (actor:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]-(movie:Movie)