After a while, I came back from dinner to find that neo4j lost the connection and
2022-11-28 09:59:01.994+0000 ERROR [o.n.b.t.p.ProtocolHandshaker] Fatal error occurred during protocol handshaking: [id: 0xba3c7fba, L:/ - R:/
@bennu_neo Hi, this is an another account from me.
Yes, I have narrowed the scope according to the label's classification settings, but I still need to perform graph search on large batches of data sets, thank you
@michael_hunger Hi, this is an another account from me.
I set the configration according to the recommended configuration. Are you sure I need to set 90G for heap,33G pachecache, rather than the opposite. Do I need to give the more memory?
When I r...