I need help with creating many:many relations in neo4j using python. My database is about shipping products from supplier to buyer. Now I am stuck with creating relations which would describe path of supplied product. My code:
pip install neo4j
pip i...
I need help with creating relations between countries in neo4j using python. I have a code, but in neo4j browser it doesn't create relations.
from neo4j import GraphDatabase
driver = GraphDatabase.driver("neo4j://localhost:7687",
I tried to write silimar code as you recommended, but I got an error, maybe you know what is wrong and how to fix it?
My code:
def create_country(tx, name,continent,population_mln,govrm_system):tx.run("CREATE (a:Country {name: $name,continent: $conti...
I have tried similar as You recommend, but I get an error. Maybe You know what is wrong:
def create_country(tx, name,continent,population_mln,govrm_system):tx.run("CREATE (a:Country {name: $name,continent: $continent,population_mln: $population_mln,g...