I'm totally new to neo4j and an wondering if it has the concept of a schima. I've used TigerGraph where you model out the schema with node and edge types. Its a little bit like creating a schema in relational database that maps everything out ahead...
This is my query:
match(n:PLAYER) RETURN player.name
And this is the error:
Variable `player` not defined (line 1, column 24 (offset: 23))
"match(n:PLAYER) RETURN player.name"
and this is an example of a PLAYER node:
"identity": 0,
None of the above worked for me and here's my syntax:
MATCH (c:Claim)-[r:CLAIM_HAS_CLAIMCATEGORY]-(cc:ClaimCategory)WHERE id(c)="b3542c32-b99d-4fff-b15e-05d5403030c5" AND id(cc)="4fa2ad0f-2630-4226-a000-c82852127a66"DELETE r
I did not see deleteing a...