I want to create a custom analyzer for my node project. I want to use my own list of words as analyzer.
But I can only use default or pre-defined analyzer while creating an index.
I search a lot on web but didn't found anything helpful.
Ex: When I tr...
In some time interval I am getting connection was close by server in Node JS graphQL API.
neo4j version: 4.2.0
neo4j-driver: 4.0.2,
neo4j-graphql-js": 2.14.3
I am using Node JS neo4j.driver library for connect database using "bolt://localhost:7687" protocol.
Some time I am getting "Connection was closed by server" error in console.
I am still getting issue after implement your solutions.I am not getting response from neo4j browser. I have added query below. MATCH (us1:User) WHERE id(us1) = 1
WITH us1
CALL apoc.refactor.cloneNodes([us1], true)
YIELD input, output as us_new