A newbie in the space, could anybody see any way to improve this cypher performance?
match (tile:Tile) where tile.uuid = '517cce8d-1c2a-4fa5-b025-f76559bd579d'
optional match (tile)<-[*]-(l:Letter)
optional match (l)-[:HAS_DOC_TYPE]->(d:Document)...
Thanks for the assistance , below is the shape. I tried using the apoc library, but does not seem to yield all the data:
match (tile:Tile) where tile.uuid = '517cce8d-1c2a-4fa5-b025-f76559bd579d'
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(tile, {
Yes APOC is installed. (tile)<-[*]-(l:Letter), I am trying to understand or learn, is there any query that may produce all the possible paths/patterns?