Sure, I'll check whether there are any mistakes in the data itself.
Could you also share the cypher query used to generate this graph? so that I can know what's causing the exact error.
This is the query I wrote to generate the above graph, @ameyasoft .
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///KG_final.csv" AS row
MERGE (a:Data_field1 {entityName: COALESCE(row.Name1, 'NA'), FHIR: COALESCE(row.FHIR_Expression1, 'NA'), attributeValue: COAL...
But I am facing a problem ,We are getting NA values in properties on all the nodes and relationships.
And only 5 nodes and 10 relationships are created ,whereas in this case I need to get all the nodes and relationships.
please check the following l...