This worked for me
MATCH (m:Movie)
set m.movieId=toInteger(m.movieId)
RETURN m.movieId, m.title
ORDER BY m.movieId
and then then it worked. Somehow the movieId was set to a string data type
Thank you Elaine very much.
I did this
MATCH (m:Movie)
set m.movieId=toInteger(m.movieId)
RETURN m.movieId, m.title
ORDER BY m.movieId
and then then it worked. Somehow the movieId was set to a string data type
Thanks a lot
I dropped all nodes, re-ran the code to convert born and died to date fields, then the code to convert languages, countries, and genres to lists and the check still fails. Something is wrong with the validation code
Hi Elaine
The code of the check database button is still an issue. I just tried. Though the three fields have been converted successfully to lists after running the code below, the check database button verification somehow says otherwise...