Hello everyone,
I'm a bit puzzled because I have what seems to be a very simple graph model and insert batch query that is taking multiple minutes to run.
Here is the query:
UNWIND $batch as row
Merge (tld:TLD{tld:row.tld})
Merge (ip:Ip{add...
Ended up going with unique constraints on Tld, Ip, and Domain (using a domainkey field which is a concat of root and subdomain) and now the batch insert finishes in ~10 secs which is fine!
nope apparently this didn't fix it. Example input:
@dana.canzano yup,
7 "tld_index" "ONLINE" 100.0 "NONUNIQUE" "BTREE" "NODE" ["Tld"] ["tld"] "native-btree-1.0"
I'm not too concerned about TLD node lookups since there's only going to be <100 of them. Its the Domain node index that would speed it up t...
The IP address index helped speed it up a bit but for some reason my domains index isn't being used.
CREATE INDEX domains_index_name FOR (d:Domain) ON (d.domain, d.subdomain)
New profile:
Does it just take some time to propagate?