Uable to import shapefile
call spatial.importShapefile("file:///shapefiles/SupportStructure.shp")
import folder:
Plugin folder:
Can anyone help on this, why I am getting this error.
Thank you
For example:
Situation 1:
(a) - [:CONNECTED] -> (z)
result 1:
(a) - (b) - (c) - (d) - (stop) - (e) - (f) - (z)
Now as the stop node came between the result, I want the following result:
(a) - (b) - (c) - (d) - (stop)
Situation 2:
(a) - [:CONNECTED] -...
This is a network graph.
Nodes are connected to other nodes with CONNECTED relation.
MATCH path = (s:startPoint {id:'123'}) - [:CONNECTED*] - (e:endPoint)
WITH path
UNWIND relationships(path) as paths
with DISTINCT paths as distinctPath
MATCH p = () ...
Hello all,
Heard about Neo4J from colleague.
Current using it for network analysis.
Here to know more about Neo4J, with that to help others and hoping to get help back from other as well.
Can you comment on this:
Can we update geometry of a node? Neo4j Graph Platform
I have imported a Shapefile.
Now I want to update the geometry and other properties of particular node(s).
How can I do this?
Thank you.
I have tested the code
Here what I have used
I have created four nodes
CREATE (:Taste_Type {name:"sour"});
CREATE (:Taste_Type {name:"salt"});
CREATE (:Taste_Type {name:"sweet"});
CREATE (:Taste_Type {name:"spicy"});
link to csv: juice.csv
Now I...