Is it possible to create a node based on the properties of an unwind component without explicitly specifying the properties?
so of X is the unwound item I can perform an ON CREATE SET y.* = x.* ??
How do I load a JSON map in the form
"aaaa": {
"x": "1",
"y": "2"
"bbbbb": {
"x": "5",
"y": "3"
In particular, I need to get the keys "aaaa", "bbbb" ?
How would I go about creating a cypher query that imports and merges Nodes which are inside json of type:
groups -> groups .. * .. groups
groups within groups within groups
groups may also be shared amongst other groups
all of the same type...
Here's what I'd like to do.. set all of y to the same properties as item...
UNWIND $items AS item
WITH item
MERGE (item: { item.code})-[:HAS_REL]->(y:NEW)
SET y.* = item.*
If interested, I
retrieved key and value like so
CALL apoc.load.json("file:///license.json") YIELD value
UNWIND [k IN KEYS(value) | {key: k, value: value[k]}] AS obj