I have a graph that I query in three different ways:
match (n:node{cat:'ssub'})-[:rel*]->(:word{pt:'ww'})-[:next]->(w2:word{pt:'ww'})-[:next]->(:word{pt:'ww'})<-[:rel*]-(n),
return distinct n.sentid as sentid, n.id as id
I would like to do a query like this:
match (n:Node{cat:'rel'})-[:REL{rel:'body'}]->(n2:Node)
match (n2{cat:'ssub'})
or (n2{cat:'conj'})-[:REL{rel:'cnj'}]->(:Node{cat:'ssub'})
or (n2{cat:'du'})-[:REL]->(:Node{cat:'ssub'})
return n;
But you can't use...
From the docs at https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/introduction/
It says Graph size limitations are 34B nodes, 34B relationships, 68B properties.
What are 34B and 68B?
I did some testing:
Connected to Neo4j 3.5.12 at bolt://localhost:7687.
Type :help for a list of available commands or :exit to exit the shell.
Note that Cypher queries must end with a semicolon.
neo4j> create (:test{id:1})-[:rel]->(:test{id:2})-[:re...
This works...
match (n:Node{cat:'rel'})-[:REL{rel:'body'}]->(n1:Node)
where (n1{cat:'ssub'}) is not null
or (n1{cat:'conj'})-[:REL{rel:'cnj'}]->(:Node{cat:'ssub'}) is not null
or (n1{cat:'du'})-[:REL]->(:Node{cat:'ssub'}) is not null
return dis...
With where it looks like this:
match (n:Node{cat:'rel'})-[:REL{rel:'body'}]->(n2:Node)
or (n2{cat:'conj'})-[:REL{rel:'cnj'}]->(:Node{cat:'ssub'})
or (n2{cat:'du'})-[:REL]->(:Node{cat:'ssub'})
return n;
This generates a...
I don't know what this does. But running these commands before starting neo4j-desktop solves this problem:
export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1
eval $(dbus-launch --sh-syntax)
eval $(echo -n "" | /usr/bin...