Hi @einkauf, thanks for reaching out! This is possible depending on which type of Aura deployment you are using.
Wether or not a user role can access any of the edit features in Bloom, such as
creating nodes or relationshipsduplicating nodesedit mode...
Hi @danny.hoetzel,
I'm not too familiar with GDS and not sure if this is a feasible workaround, but I imagine it should be possible to export your subgraph to a new database using the gds.graph.export procedure and then starting and connecting Bloom ...
Hi @algirdas.rumsas, @jlvvlj and @bafonso,
thank you for reaching out!
Neo4j Bloom is an end user application and does not have an API that could be used to integrate Bloom with another app for end users.
There are different graph visualisation tools...
Hi @MattT,
thanks for reaching out!
Perspectives in Bloom are stored locally in the web browser's local storage and aren't shared across users, unless the database has the Bloom Server plugin installed. With the Bloom Server plugin installed, perspec...
Hi @deepika,
The error you are seeing appears when there is a problem with the Bloom Server License file, the location of which can be specific as a relative or absolute path in the database settings: