I have written the below query to retrieve movie title and corresponding rating :
match (rvwr:Person)-[r:REVIEWED]->(m:Movie)
where m.released > 2003
return m.title, avg(r.rating) as rating
I understand that groupby is done implicitly fo...
I have written below three queries and trying to understand difference between all 3 of them.
MATCH (person)-[r]->(otherPerson)
MATCH (person)-->(otherPerson)
MATCH (person)--(otherPerson)
Please let me know if the...
I have written the below query to retrieve movie and corresponding rating:
match (rvwr:Person)-[r:REVIEWED]->(m:Movie)
where m.released > 2003
return m.title, sum(r.rating)/count(r) as rating
I want to confirm if there is a need to use a...