Thanks, Elaine
The 2 extra property keys on my end are "bio" and "genres". Genres should have been split and then removed (the code provided doesn't remove it). I tried setting them to null and it still returns them when I get the property keys using...
Thanks for your reply
I believe I did follow all the steps. I also made sure to delete everything before retrying. Here are my results:
labelCount, relTypeCount, propertyKeyCount, nodeCount, relCount, total
6, 4, 26, 28863, 166261, 195160
Not sure wh...
Hey @elaine.rosenberg
I'm having the same issue with Movie property count. It's as @aymeric.lebrun mentioned
Is there a temporary workaround that would allow us to pass until it's permanently fixed? I tried dropping some properties and it didn't work...