I wasn't able to get it to work through docker env. I had to create an apoc.conf as described here:https://community.neo4j.com/t5/neo4j-graph-platform/setting-apoc-import-file-enabled-true-in-your-neo4j-conf/m-p/46429/highlight/true#M26899
I can open a new thread but it's exactly the same issue. Commenting out the line allows the docker image/neo4j to start but obviously disables exporting altogether, including it results in the error described in the original post
What's the recommended way to export if this is disabled?for example, apoc.export.graphml.query fails with:
Failed to invoke procedure `apoc.export.graphml.query`: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Export to files not enabled, please set apoc.ex...
Just encountered this as well. Using Docker, neo4j:4.3.7. GDS wasn't present and it downloaded an old version. Manually downloading the newest GDS fixed the issue