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Write operations are not allowed for user 'neo4j' with FULL restricted to READ

I am trying this query

match (t:Trip),(s:User)
CALL apoc.when(exists((t)--(s)), 'create (h:hhh) return h', 'create (h:hhh) return h'
) yield value return value

but getting this error

Neo.ClientError.Security.Forbidden: Write operations are not allowed for user 'neo4j' with FULL restricted to READ.

I am using neo4j community version Version: 3.4.10 and apoc latest


for write statements you need to use call instead of call apoc.when()

View solution in original post


for write statements you need to use call instead of call apoc.when()

I m trying to write a custom apoc in which i am pulling the data from sql server and need to load in graph.

Result getData = graphDb.execute(
"call apoc.load.jdbc('jdbc:sqlserver://xxxxxxxxxxx','EXEC temp_procedure "
+ entitiyName + "') YIELD row with row.jsonstring as data return data");
Map<String, Object> getDataRow = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> returnMap = new HashMap<>();
String dataString = "";
while (getData.hasNext()) {
getDataRow =;
dataString = getDataRow.get("data").toString();
Map<String, Object> getMapFromJson = JsonUtil.parse(dataString, "", Map.class);
String entityNameValue = (getMapFromJson.entrySet().iterator().next()).getKey();

		Result resultStr=graphDb.execute("with apoc.convert.fromJsonMap('"+dataString+"') as value unwind value."+entityNameValue+" as row create("+entityNameValue+":"+entityNameValue+") set "+ entityNameValue+"=row");
		returnMap.put(entityNameValue, entityNameValue);
		//returnMap.put((getMapFromJson.entrySet().iterator().next()).getKey(),	getMapFromJson.get((getMapFromJson.entrySet().iterator().next()).getKey()));


If i am executing this i am getting below error
Neo.ClientError.Security.Forbidden: Write operations are not allowed for user 'neo4j' with roles [admin] restricted to READ.