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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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How to use mongodb along side neo4j to get predictions

I referred this site to convert my existing mongodb data to neo4j with relationships mappings. I used the following query to fetch data from mongo to neo4j db. CALL apoc.mongodb.get('connectionString','dbName','TableName',{}) yield value CALL

Explanation on data upload process

Hi I imported 465 triples into my graph database using Neosemantics app. It took 210ms to complete the job. I then imported 945 triples into the same graph database and it took 78ms. My understanding was as number of triples increase the time taken t...

Resolved! How to query multiple relationships in Cypher

Hello Everyone, I am new to Cypher and having issues while querying for multiple relationships. I have two relationships :abc and :xyz. I want to get all the nodes that are 2 hops away which have either :abc OR :xyz relationships. Also, :abc is dire...

Creating relationships efficiently using Apoc

I have a graph containing many nodes. Each node in the graph has the same properties with different values. I loaded the graph efficiently using: CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('LOAD CSV FROM $url AS data FIELDTERMINATOR "," return data', 'CREATE (:G {x:...

Resolved! DynamicRecord not in use

Hi I hit a problem that we think one of our user table data/node which is broken, we can not query it or all of user data(it will stuck and the CPU up to 100%), and can not delete it even we know its uuid. MATCH (n:Neo4jEmployee {uuid:'95536edb-013d-...

bob_yin by Node Link
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What is the impact of unused indices?

What is the impact, if any, of creating indices on a labeled node that are unused in many instances of that node? More specifically, what is the impact on write performance, read performance, and space? I'm using neo4j-enterprise v4.4.4. I have a lab...

tms by Graph Buddy
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Slow to form cluster after node instance restart

Hello, I have 3 nodes cluster running in K8 (GKE), using the official helm-charts. All works very well, but from time to time I run into issues after restarting one of the nodes. There are 10 graphs in the cluster, all of them are relatively small, j...

How to expend the color of nodes?

My neo4j version is 3.5.30, there are only 12 color for nodes in different labels. But I have more than 12 nodes in different labels, I want to show each nodes in different color. Are there any ideas to expend the number of color in neo4j browser?

Rank over partition by

Hi, I'd like to know how can I use cypher like SQL function "rank over partition by". For example, I want to get 1st rank data by subject, class. I'd appreciate advice. Ex) Class Subject Score 1 Math 99 (Y) 1 Math ...

jh_lee by Node
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