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05-19-2021 12:16 PM
I have a query like
WHERE "term1" in ne1.literal_forms
WHERE "term2" in ne2.literal_forms
MATCH (n1:Mention: {ent_id:ne1.ent_id})<-[:HAS_SRC_ENT]-(ev:Evidence)-[:HAS_TRG_ENT]->(n2 {ent_id: ne2.ent_id})
WITH avg(ev.confidence) as agg_confidence, ne1, ne2, ev.theme as theme
CALL apoc.create.vRelationship(ne1, theme, {confidence:agg_confidence}, ne2)
RETURN ne1, rel, ne2
but only the ne1 and n2 nodes are rendered - the rel is not. Is it possible to render these relationships in bloom?
This renders as I would like in neo4j browser, just not bloom. Can someone please help me?
Thanks in advance.
05-20-2021 02:06 AM
What version of Bloom are you using?
We have added support for APOC virtual nodes and relationships in Bloom 1.6.0, previously it wasn't possible to visualise those
05-25-2021 11:31 AM
I am also having this issue.
I have created visuals relationships in the desktop browser and can see them there.
In Bloom (version 1.6.1) I have refreshed the perspective and the new relationships are not an option when I right click to expand a node relationship. They also do not show up as an item in the perspective pane when I examine relationships.
MATCH (a:company{name:"applied materials"})-[:Assigned_to]-(d:patent)<-[:Cites]-(:patent)-[:Assigned_to]-(b:company)
RETURN a,b, apoc.create.vRelationship(a, "sees", {times:count(distinct(d))},b) as rel
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