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09-09-2019 07:37 AM
I have three kinds of labeled nodes. User, Post, and Chat. I'm trying to merge some posts belong to a chat. Here's my raw data from REST.
"chatId": "some chat id",
"posts": [
"title": "some title",
"author": {
"id": 2,
"name": "john"
"title": "another title",
"author": {
"id": 3,
"name": "kelly"
I've tried to use unwind to solve the probelm, but unwind two list will get cartesian product, thats not what i want.
MATCH (c:Chat {id: $chatId})
UNWIND $posts AS post
UNWIND $authors AS author
MERGE (p:Post {id: post.id}) SET p += post
MERGE (p)-[:INVOLVED]->(c)
MERGE (u:User {uid: author.uid}) SET u += author
MERGE (u)-[:POSTED]->(p)
Also tried foreach, but the p and u variables seems not getting outside the foreach.
MATCH (c:Chat {id: $chatId})
FOREACH (post in $posts |
MERGE (p:Post {id: post.id}) SET p += post
FOREACH (author in $authors |
MERGE (u:User {uid: author.uid}) SET u += author
WITH p,c,u
MERGE (p)-[:INVOLVED]->(c)
MERGE (u)-[:POSTED]->(p)
Any ideas on how to solve two related list merging?
09-10-2019 01:30 AM
Looking at your raw data, the only list you have is $posts. author
seems to be a nested map within each individual post.
Unless you've changed up your data, you should only need a single UNWIND on $posts then use the nested author
Something like:
MATCH (c:Chat {id: $chatId})
UNWIND $posts AS post
MERGE (p:Post {id: post.id})
SET p.title = post.title
MERGE (p)-[:INVOLVED]->(c)
MERGE (u:User {uid: post.author.uid})
SET u += post.author
MERGE (u)-[:POSTED]->(p)
09-10-2019 01:43 AM
Hi @andrew.bowman,
Post has more than one property, say there's 15 of them. In the raw data, I just show one for simplicity. I can't agree more we need only one unwind, but it seems neo4j is not supporting nested properties.
Is there a way to exclude post.author when I'm merging Post. Something like this:
MATCH (c:Chat {id: $chatId})
UNWIND $posts AS post
MERGE (p:Post {id: post.id})
SET p = post{excludeProperty: author}
09-10-2019 01:48 AM
Unfortunately out of box we don't have exclusion of elements in a map. You can however do this using APOC Procedures, notably its map functions. After you install the correct version for your Neo4j version, you can do something like:
MATCH (c:Chat {id: $chatId})
UNWIND $posts AS post
WITH post.author as author, apoc.map.removeKey(post, 'author') as post
MERGE (p:Post {id: post.id})
SET p = post
09-10-2019 01:50 AM
Thank you very much, I will give it a try in a moment =D
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