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06-04-2022 05:28 AM - edited 06-04-2022 05:32 AM
I'm currently trying to setup a standalone instance ofe neo4j in my Kubernetes cluster.
I tried the following things:
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
name: neo4j-xxxxx
generateName: neo4j-
namespace: default
uid: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
resourceVersion: '337554'
creationTimestamp: '2022-06-04T11:32:23Z'
cert-manager.io/next-private-key: 'true'
- apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
name: neo4j
uid: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
controller: true
blockOwnerDeletion: true
tls.key: >-
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: neo4j-data
app: "sharedneo4j-20220603"
helm.neo4j.com/volume-role: data
storageClassName: "manual"
storage: 100Gi
- ReadWriteOnce
path: /mnt/kube_volumes/databases/neo4j
type: Directory
and gave ownership and rights for that path to user:group 7474:7474
# Default values for Neo4j.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Name of your cluster
name: ""
# If the password is not set or empty a random password will be generated during installation
password: ""
# Neo4j Edition to use (community|enterprise)
edition: "community"
# set edition: "enterprise" to use Neo4j Enterprise Edition
# To use Neo4j Enterprise Edition you must have a Neo4j license agreement.
# More information is also available at: https://neo4j.com/licensing/
# Email inquiries can be directed to: licensing@neo4j.com
# Set acceptLicenseAgreement: "yes" to confirm that you have a Neo4j license agreement.
acceptLicenseAgreement: "no"
# set offlineMaintenanceModeEnabled: true to restart the StatefulSet without the Neo4j process running
# this can be used to perform tasks that cannot be performed when Neo4j is running such as `neo4j-admin dump`
offlineMaintenanceModeEnabled: false
# set resources for the Neo4j Container. The values set will be used for both "requests" and "limit".
cpu: "1000m"
memory: "5Gi"
# Volumes for Neo4j
# REQUIRED: specify a volume mode to use for data
# Valid values are share|selector|defaultStorageClass|volume|volumeClaimTemplate|dynamic
# To get up and running quickly, for development or testing, use "defaultStorageClass" for a dynamically provisioned volume of the default storage class.
mode: "selector"
# Only used if the mode is set to "selector"
# Will attach to existing volumes that match the selector
storageClassName: "manual"
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 100Gi
# A helm template to generate a label selector to match existing volumes n.b. both storageClassName and label selector must match existing volumes
# matchLabels:
# app: "{{elm. .Values.neo4j.name }}"
# hneo4j.com/volume-role: "data"
# Only used if mode is set to "defaultStorageClass"
# Dynamic provisioning using the default storageClass
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 10Gi
# Only used if the mode is set to "dynamic"
# Dynamic provisioning using the provided storageClass
storageClassName: "neo4j"
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 100Gi
# Only used if mode is set to "volume"
# Provide an explicit volume to use
# If set an init container (running as root) will be added that runs:
# `chown -R <securityContext.fsUser>:<securityContext.fsGroup>` AND `chmod -R g+rwx`
# on the volume. This is useful for some file systems (e.g. NFS) where Kubernetes fsUser or fsGroup settings are not respected
setOwnerAndGroupWritableFilePermissions: true
# Example (using a specific Persistent Volume Claim)
# persistentVolumeClaim:
# claimName: my-neo4j-pvc
# Only used if mode is set to "volumeClaimTemplate"
# Provide an explicit volumeClaimTemplate to use
volumeClaimTemplate: {}
# provide a volume to use for backups
# n.b. backups will be written to /backups on the volume
# any of the volume modes shown above for data can be used for backups
mode: "share" # share an existing volume (e.g. the data volume)
name: "data"
# provide a volume to use for logs
# n.b. logs will be written to /logs/$(POD_NAME) on the volume
# any of the volume modes shown above for data can be used for logs
mode: "share" # share an existing volume (e.g. the data volume)
name: "data"
# provide a volume to use for csv metrics (csv metrics are only available in Neo4j Enterprise Edition)
# n.b. metrics will be written to /metrics/$(POD_NAME) on the volume
# any of the volume modes shown above for data can be used for metrics
mode: "share" # share an existing volume (e.g. the data volume)
name: "data"
# provide a volume to use for import storage
# n.b. import will be mounted to /import on the underlying volume
# any of the volume modes shown above for data can be used for import
mode: "share" # share an existing volume (e.g. the data volume)
name: "data"
# provide a volume to use for licenses
# n.b. licenses will be mounted to /licenses on the underlying volume
# any of the volume modes shown above for data can be used for licenses
mode: "share" # share an existing volume (e.g. the data volume)
name: "data"
# Services for Neo4j
# A ClusterIP service with the same name as the Helm Release name should be used for Neo4j Driver connections originating inside the
# Kubernetes cluster.
# Annotations for the K8s Service object
annotations: { }
# A LoadBalancer Service for external Neo4j driver applications and Neo4j Browser
enabled: true
# Annotations for the K8s Service object
annotations: { }
# Type of service.
type: LoadBalancer
# in most cloud environments LoadBalancer type will receive an ephemeral public IP address automatically. If you need to specify a static ip here use:
# loadBalancerIP: ...
# ports to include in neo4j service
enabled: true #Set this to false to remove HTTP from this service (this does not affect whether http is enabled for the neo4j process)
enabled: true #Set this to false to remove HTTPS from this service (this does not affect whether https is enabled for the neo4j process)
enabled: true #Set this to false to remove BOLT from this service (this does not affect whether https is enabled for the neo4j process)
# A service for admin/ops tasks including taking backups
# This service is available even if the deployment is not "ready"
enabled: true
# Annotations for the admin service
annotations: { }
type: ClusterIP
# n.b. there is no ports object for this service. Ports are autogenerated based on the neo4j configuration
# A "headless" service for admin/ops and Neo4j cluster-internal communications
# This service is available even if the deployment is not "ready"
enabled: false
# Annotations for the internals service
annotations: { }
# n.b. there is no ports object for this service. Ports are autogenerated based on the neo4j configuration
# Neo4j Configuration (yaml format)
db.temporal.timezone: "Europe/Berlin"
dbms.default_database: "neo4j"
dbms.config.strict_validation: "true"
# https://community.neo4j.com/t5/neo4j-graph-platform/troubleshooting-connection-issues-to-neo4j/m-p/47959
dbms.connector.bolt.tls_level: "OPTIONAL" # allows both encrypted and unencrypted driver connections
dbms.ssl.policy.bolt.enabled: "true"
dbms.ssl.policy.bolt.privateKey.secretName: "neo4j-tls"
dbms.ssl.policy.bolt.privateKey.subPath: "tls.key"
dbms.ssl.policy.bolt.publicCertificate.secretName: "neo4j-tls"
dbms.ssl.policy.bolt.publicCertificate.subPath: "tls.key"
#dbms.ssl.policy.default.client_auth: "NONE"
dbms.ssl.policy.bolt.client_auth: "NONE"
dbms.ssl.policy.https.client_auth: "NONE"
# securityContext defines privilege and access control settings for a Pod or Container. Making sure that you do not run Neo4j as root user.
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 7474
runAsGroup: 7474
fsGroup: 7474
fsGroupChangePolicy: "Always"
# Readiness probes are set to know when a container is ready to be used.
# Because Neo4j uses Java these values are large to distinguish between long Garbage Collection pauses (which don't require a restart) and an actual failure.
# These values should mark Neo4j as not ready after at most 5 minutes of problems (20 attempts * max 15 seconds between probes)
failureThreshold: 20
timeoutSeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 5
# Liveness probes are set to know when to restart a container.
# Because Neo4j uses Java these values are large to distinguish between long Garbage Collection pauses (which don't require a restart) and an actual failure.
# These values should trigger a restart after at most 10 minutes of problems (40 attempts * max 15 seconds between probes)
failureThreshold: 40
timeoutSeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 5
# Startup probes are used to know when a container application has started.
# If such a probe is configured, it disables liveness and readiness checks until it succeeds
# When restoring Neo4j from a backup, it's important that the startup probe gives time for Neo4j to recover and/or upgrade store files
# When using Neo4j clusters, it's important that the startup probe gives the Neo4j cluster time to form
failureThreshold: 1000
periodSeconds: 5
# top level setting called ssl to match the "ssl" from "dbms.ssl.policy"
# # setting per "connector" matching neo4j config
# bolt:
# privateKey:
# secretName: # we set up the template to grab `private.key` from this secret
# subPath: # we specify the privateKey value name to get from the secret
# publicCertificate:
# secretName: # we set up the template to grab `public.crt` from this secret
# subPath: # we specify the publicCertificate value name to get from the secret
# trustedCerts:
# sources: [ ] # a sources array for a projected volume - this allows someone to (relatively) easily mount multiple public certs from multiple secrets for example.
# revokedCerts:
# sources: [ ] # a sources array for a projected volume
# https:
# privateKey:
# secretName:
# subPath:
# publicCertificate:
# secretName:
# subPath:
# trustedCerts:
# sources: [ ]
# revokedCerts:
# sources: [ ]
# Kubernetes cluster domain suffix
clusterDomain: "cluster.local"
# Override image settings in Neo4j pod
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# set a customImage if you want to use your own docker image
# customImage: my-image:my-tag
# additional environment variables for the Neo4j Container
env: {}
# Other K8s configuration to apply to the Neo4j pod
# Anti Affinity
# If set to true then an anti-affinity rule is applied to prevent database pods with the same `neo4j.name` running on a single Kubernetes node.
# If set to false then no anti-affinity rules are applied
# If set to an object then that object is used for the Neo4j podAntiAffinity
podAntiAffinity: true
# Name of service account to use for the Neo4j Pod (optional)
# this is useful if you want to use Workload Identity to grant permissions to access cloud resources e.g. cloud object storage (AWS S3 etc.)
serviceAccountName: ""
# How long the Neo4j pod is permitted to keep running after it has been signaled by Kubernetes to stop. Once this timeout elapses the Neo4j process is forcibly terminated.
# A large value is used because Neo4j takes time to flush in-memory data to disk on shutdown.
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 3600
# initContainers for the Neo4j pod
initContainers: [ ]
# additional runtime containers for the Neo4j pod
containers: [ ]
# print the neo4j user password set during install to the `helm install` log
logInitialPassword: true
# Jvm configuration for Neo4j
# If true any additional arguments are added after the Neo4j default jvm arguments.
# If false Neo4j default jvm arguments are not used.
useNeo4jDefaultJvmArguments: true
# additionalJvmArguments is a list of strings. Each jvm argument should be a separate element
additionalJvmArguments: []
# - "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"
# - "-XX:HeapDumpPath=/logs/neo4j.hprof"
and installed with this command:
helm install sharedneo4j-20220603 neo4j/neo4j-standalone -f helm-parameters.yaml
2022-06-04 12:05:27.193+0000 INFO Starting...
2022-06-04 12:05:28.004+0000 ERROR Failed to start Neo4j on
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Base directory '/var/lib/neo4j/certificates/bolt' for SSL policy with name 'bolt' does not exist.
at org.neo4j.ssl.config.SslPolicyLoader.createSslPolicy(SslPolicyLoader.java:169) ~[neo4j-ssl-4.4.6.jar:4.4.6]
at org.neo4j.ssl.config.SslPolicyLoader.addPolicy(SslPolicyLoader.java:153) ~[neo4j-ssl-4.4.6.jar:4.4.6]
at java.util.HashMap$Values.forEach(HashMap.java:977) ~[?:?]
at org.neo4j.ssl.config.SslPolicyLoader.load(SslPolicyLoader.java:143) ~[neo4j-ssl-4.4.6.jar:4.4.6]
at org.neo4j.ssl.config.SslPolicyLoader.create(SslPolicyLoader.java:106) ~[neo4j-ssl-4.4.6.jar:4.4.6]
at org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.module.edition.CommunityEditionModule.<init>(CommunityEditionModule.java:137) ~[neo4j-4.4.6.jar:4.4.6]
at org.neo4j.graphdb.facade.DatabaseManagementServiceFactory.build(DatabaseManagementServiceFactory.java:134) ~[neo4j-4.4.6.jar:4.4.6]
at org.neo4j.server.CommunityBootstrapper.createNeo(CommunityBootstrapper.java:36) ~[neo4j-4.4.6.jar:4.4.6]
at org.neo4j.server.NeoBootstrapper.start(NeoBootstrapper.java:142) [neo4j-4.4.6.jar:4.4.6]
at org.neo4j.server.NeoBootstrapper.start(NeoBootstrapper.java:95) [neo4j-4.4.6.jar:4.4.6]
at org.neo4j.server.CommunityEntryPoint.main(CommunityEntryPoint.java:34) [neo4j-4.4.6.jar:4.4.6]
2022-06-04 12:05:28.006+0000 INFO Neo4j Server shutdown initiated by request
2022-06-04 12:05:28.007+0000 INFO Stopped.
I tried diferent combinations under "config:" with different results.
Any ideas on how to config this right, to have a running neo4j standalone instance?
02-03-2023 09:33 AM
Hi there, can you show the Certificate file? how did you set it up?
I'm trying to set it up but I'm having difficulties with setting the dnsNames.
Thank you very much
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