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Query optimization for fraud rings matching

I have the following case :
We are looking for fraud were 2 persons are connected to one car in one police case
and the same 2 persons are connected to 2 different cars in another police case.

The script for database creation :

CREATE (police1:PoliceFile {FileID:1})
CREATE (police2:PoliceFile {FileID:2})
CREATE (car1:Car {CarID:1})
CREATE (car2:Car {CarID:2})
CREATE (car3:Car {CarID:3})
CREATE (inv1:Involved {PesronID:1})
CREATE (inv2:Involved {PesronID:2})
CREATE (cl1:Claim {ClaimID:1})
CREATE (cl2:Claim {ClaimID:2})
CREATE (police1)-[:ConnectedTo]->(car1)
CREATE (police2)-[:ConnectedTo]->(car2)
CREATE (police2)-[:ConnectedTo]->(car3)
CREATE (car1)-[:ConnectedTo]->(inv1)
CREATE (car1)-[:ConnectedTo]->(inv2)
CREATE (car2)-[:ConnectedTo]->(inv1)
CREATE (car3)-[:ConnectedTo]->(inv2)
CREATE (inv1)-[:ConnectedTo]->(cl1)
CREATE (inv1)-[:ConnectedTo]->(cl2)
CREATE (cl1)-[:ConnectedTo]->(police1)
CREATE (cl2)-[:ConnectedTo]->(police2)

I use the following query to find the ring :

MATCH p=(c3:Car)-[:ConnectedTo]-(inv2:Involved)-[:ConnectedTo]-(c2:Car)-[:ConnectedTo]-(p1:PoliceFile)-[:ConnectedTo]-(c1:Car)-[:ConnectedTo]-(inv1:Involved)-[:ConnectedTo]-(c3:Car)-[:ConnectedTo]-(p2:PoliceFile)
where ID(p1)<>ID(p2) and ID(inv1)<>ID(inv2)
return p

It works with the sample data, but in the real database with 2 million nodes it works hours and does not bring results back.

How should I change the query in order to efficiently find fraud rings in the database?

Thank you,


Could be the data, could be not enough RAM on the box ...

But your query is looking for a long chain not a ring!

Any ring loops back to the start for example, notice p1 at the start and at the end

match pathx=(p1:Person)--(c1:Claim)--(p2:Person)--(c2:Claim)--(p1)
return pathx

Graph Maven


May be using the same label for all relationship is causing the problem?.

You can try this.
It may be better to collect all the claims filed by PersonID = 1 and use the collected claim ids to see all other persons involved in these claims.

Here is the query:

MATCH (c:Claim)-->(p)-->(d:Car)--(i:Involved)
WHERE i.PesronID = 1
WITH COLLECT (c) as n1
UNWIND n1 as n2
MATCH (n2)-->(p)-->(d:Car)--(i:Involved)
RETURN n2, p, d, i;


If I may suggest a better model, here it is:

2X_7_7e16d54aee796d88a04e33755d435bf23e8a614d.png .
