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Nested UNWIND with MATCH cuts off part of result data

I'm not very good at cypher but currently I'm trying to solve batch create task. I'm using Neo4j DB v 4.0

So please consider we have batch of input data:

:param batch=>[{uuid:"5b12a325-36cd-418c-8cd5-7911cdb0ee33",authors:[{name: "Author1",lives: "City1"},{name: "Author2",lives: "City2"}]},{uuid:"b4d5cdf8-61ba-416d-ab29-ad9bf42dcf78",authors:[{name: "Author3",lives: "City1"},{name: "Author4",lives: "City2"}]},{uuid:"5add7aff-b8cc-4382-bfa4-02947b93b245",authors:[]}]

And with the following script I'm creating batch of nodes with label Book and return uuid of created book node

UNWIND $batch as row
CREATE (b:Book {uuid: row.uuid})
WITH b, row.authors AS authors
UNWIND (CASE authors WHEN [] then [null] else authors end) AS author
MATCH (c:City {name: author.lives})
CREATE (a:Author {name:})
CREATE (a)-[:livesIn]->(c)
CREATE (b)-[:writtenBy]->(a)
RETURN distinct(b.uuid)

As a result I receive 2 uuids but expecting 3, as in fact 3 books were created. Is there any way to return all 3 ids?


Probably you don't find the city for one of the authors?

You could use an OPTIONAL MATCH or a MERGE there.