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10-05-2021 11:11 AM
10-07-2021 01:56 AM
Hi There,
You can use the package called 'neo4jupyter' for viewing neo4j data points via Jupyter Notebook.
Here is the link to code base: GitHub - merqurio/neo4jupyter: A quick visualization tool for Jupyter and Neo4J
Using this code base is super simple and can be grasped within few minutes from its associated documentation.
10-07-2021 08:15 AM
Thank you, I got error below. How do I do it?
query = "MATCH p= (x:construct)<-[r1:causes]-(confounder:construct) -[r2:causes]-> (y:construct) <-[r3:causes]- (x:construct)
WHERE x.name ='economic reward' AND y.name ='job performance'
RETURN x.measure, y.measure, confounder.measure LIMIT 50"
graph = graph.run(query)
neo4jupyter.draw(graph, {"construct": "name", "causes": "Reference"})
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_9436/180580432.py in
----> 1 neo4jupyter.draw(graph, {"construct": "name", "causes": "Reference"})
D:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\neo4jupyter\neo4jupyter.py in draw(graph, options, physics, limit)
81 """
---> 83 data = graph.run(query, limit=limit)
85 nodes =
AttributeError: 'Cursor' object has no attribute 'run'
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