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NEO4J-ETL Import error with null pointer exception

Hi everyone, I'm trying to import data from a MySQL local database version 8.0.21 to Neo4j using the neo4j etl tool version 1.5.1 on the neo4j desktop version 4.2.5.

I get this error when I try to import data using direct import or batch mode.

When I run the command in the logs section on the terminal I get the error : - Illegal command (ParseOptionMissingException: Required option 'RDBMS user' is missing)

Here are my logs:
[2021-06-09 16:10:10.065] [info] Executing 'C:\Users\ADMIN.Neo4jDesktop\distributions\java\zulu11.41.23-ca-jdk11.0.8\bin\java.exe, -cp, C:\Users\ADMIN.Neo4jDesktop\graphApps_global\neo4j-etl-ui-4\dist\neo4j-etl.jar,, write, C:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Local\Temp/import-tool-options.json, eyJtdWx0aWxpbmUtZmllbGRzIjoidHJ1ZSJ9, false'
[2021-06-09 16:10:10.078] [info] Executing 'C:\Users\ADMIN.Neo4jDesktop\distributions\java\zulu11.41.23-ca-jdk11.0.8\bin\java.exe, -cp, C:\Users\ADMIN.Neo4jDesktop\graphApps_global\neo4j-etl-ui-4\dist\neo4j-etl.jar, org.neo4j.etl.NeoIntegrationCli, export, --mapping-file, C:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Local\Temp/mysql_infomobyafrodb_infomobyafrodb_mapping.json, --rdbms:password, , --rdbms:user, root, --rdbms:url, jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/infomobyafrodb?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false&useCursorFetch=true&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true, --options-file, C:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Local\Temp/import-tool-options.json, --using, cypher:fromSQL, --unwind-batch-size, 1000, --tx-batch-size, 10000, --neo4j:database-name, smartdata, --neo4j:url, bolt://localhost:7687, --neo4j:user, neo4j, --neo4j:password, 1234dev'
[2021-06-09 16:10:10.452] [info] Process [3064] exit with code '0', signal 'null'
[2021-06-09 16:10:10.843] [info] Process [23464] exit with code '4294967295', signal 'null'

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!



I am facing the same error.
Did you find a solution for this?

Any help would be appreciated. Thankyou!

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Empty password to MySql can cause this. Set password to your MySql and try again.

If you run into any issues use the below settings: