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09-06-2022 01:28 AM
I am trying to write a cypher query via py2neo.
#UserList to be passed as array
params = {}
params['UserList'] = ['Mason']
# Cypher Projection
queCreateGraph = """
CALL gds.graph.create.cypher(
'MATCH (n) WHERE n.name in $UserList OR n:FunctionNode RETURN id(n) AS id, labels(n) AS labels',
'MATCH (n)-[r:LikedBy]->(m) WHERE m.name in $UserList RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target, type(r) AS type')
graphName AS graph, nodeQuery, nodeCount AS nodes, relationshipCount AS rels
graph.query(queCreateGraph, params)
I am basically trying to use UserList as a list to pass into the cypher projection but I am getting this error - py2neo.errors.ClientError: [Procedure.ProcedureCallFailed] Failed to invoke procedure gds.graph.create.cypher
: Caused by: org.neo4j.exceptions.ParameterNotFoundException: Expected parameter(s): UserList
09-06-2022 07:32 AM
Not sure why it is not working, but maybe try these two things to see if you can get it working.
1. Initialize the map directly
params = {'UserList': ['Mason']}
2. Add parameter using 'with' clause:
queCreateGraph = """
WITH ['Mason'] as UserList
CALL gds.graph.create.cypher(
'MATCH (n) WHERE n.name in UserList OR n:FunctionNode RETURN id(n) AS id, labels(n) AS labels',
'MATCH (n)-[r:LikedBy]->(m) WHERE m.name in UserList RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target, type(r) AS type')
graphName AS graph, nodeQuery, nodeCount AS nodes, relationshipCount AS rels
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