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06-06-2019 06:42 AM
sql equivalent would be
select * from person where not exists (select * from transaction where transaction.owner = person.id)
06-06-2019 08:36 AM
You're looking for a :person node without an :executes relationship to a :transaction?
The simplest form would be:
MATCH (p:person)
WHERE NOT (p)-[:executes]-(:transaction)
If all :executes relationships from :person nodes always connect to :transaction nodes, then you can leave off the :transaction label and the plan will use a degree check of :executes relationships on :person nodes, which will be much more efficient:
MATCH (p:person)
WHERE NOT (p)-[:executes]-()
06-07-2019 12:34 AM
thx, solved my problem
11-04-2020 07:44 PM
This is an elegant way to express a matching relationship. Is there an easy way to get the negation of it? (i.e. without the WHERE clause?)
MATCH (p:Person)-[:WROTE]->(:Movie {title: 'Speed Racer'}) RETURN p.name
11-05-2020 03:42 PM
Are you referring to a way to express the negation of a relationship? There's no way to do that only using the MATCH clause, it has to be in the WHERE clause.
If you're looking to negate (or filter on the presence of) a pattern that requires a WHERE clause (such as if there's a range filter or something that can't be captured just in the pattern) then you should use existential subqueries, introduced in Neo4j 4.x:
11-25-2020 11:32 AM
What if instead of a single :person node, we're interested in writing one cypher query that lists more than 2 nodes without a specific relationship?
Let's say we have the nodes :person, :transaction, :city and we want the results like this table:
Name of Node | Number of Disconnected Nodes |
person | 55|
transaction | 43|
city | 21|
Writing the cypher query to obtain the number of disconnected nodes was straight forward, but I'm struggling with the formatting now so that I can get my results like the table above.
I got a little close to my desired results by following the instructions on this thread
I wrote this cypher query but the format is not the desired results even though it shows the correct values:
WHERE NOT (p)-[:executes]->(:transaction)
RETURN COUNT(DISTINCT p) AS `Disconnected Person Nodes`, NULL AS `Disconnected Transaction Nodes`, NULL AS `Disconnected City Nodes`
WHERE NOT (p)<-[:contains]-(:bank)
RETURN NULL AS `Disconnected Person Nodes`, COUNT(DISTINCT p) AS `Disconnected Transaction Nodes`, NULL AS `Disconnected City Nodes`
WHERE NOT (p)<-[:lives_in]-(:person)
RETURN NULL AS `Disconnected Person Nodes`, NULL AS `Disconnected Transaction Nodes`, COUNT(DISTINCT p) AS `Disconnected City Nodes`
This query gives me the following table:
Disconnected Person Nodes | Disconnected Transaction Nodes | Disconnected City Nodes |
55 | null| null|
null | 43| null|
null | null| 21|
What would be the best way to format the output as desired?
11-26-2020 11:15 AM
Try this:
WHERE NOT (p)-[:executes]->(:transaction)
RETURN labels(p) as lbl, COUNT(DISTINCT p) AS `Disconnected Nodes`
WHERE NOT (p)<-[:contains]-(:bank)
RETURN labels(p) as lbl, COUNT(DISTINCT p) AS `Disconnected Nodes`
WHERE NOT (p)<-[:lives_in]-(:person)
RETURN labels(p) as lbl, COUNT(DISTINCT p) AS `Disconnected Nodes'
12-03-2020 04:27 PM
Thank you! Works perfectly in other queries too where I'm implementing similar logic.
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