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06-08-2021 04:03 PM
My graph export code has been working well, until now a new node property 'graphEmbedding' of 256 dimension is added to each node. The relevant export code is below:
Export node ...
MATCH (m:Product)
CALL apoc.export.csv.data( M, [], null, {stream:true, batchSize:2000000}) YIELD data
WITH apoc.text.replace(data, '(?:,"_start","_end","_type"|,,,)(?=\n)', '') AS mdata
RETURN mdata
The exception is:
File "/Users/congminmin/.venv/wbkg/lib/python3.8/site-packages/neo4j/work/result.py", line 227, in __iter__
self._connection.fetch_message() # Receive at least one message from the server, if available.
File "/Users/congminmin/.venv/wbkg/lib/python3.8/site-packages/neo4j/work/result.py", line 62, in inner
func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/congminmin/.venv/wbkg/lib/python3.8/site-packages/neo4j/io/_bolt4.py", line 271, in fetch_message
response.on_failure(summary_metadata or {})
File "/Users/congminmin/.venv/wbkg/lib/python3.8/site-packages/neo4j/io/_common.py", line 183, in on_failure
raise Neo4jError.hydrate(**metadata)
neo4j.exceptions.DatabaseError: {code: Neo.DatabaseError.General.UnknownError} {message: This encoder depends on java.lang.StringCoding, which failed to load or apply: Index 16384 out of bounds for length 16384}
I am on MacPro and use Neo4j 4.2.6. 4.0.4 has the same issue. Because the graphEmbedding is a float vector of length 256, probably that's the reason causing the error: " Index 16384 out of bounds for length 16384"
Once I remove the graphEmbedding property from the graph, the export code runs well.
I used the method introduced here to create the embedding:
06-08-2021 05:42 PM
I registered an issue here:
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