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02-07-2020 10:13 AM
I am running the Louvain algorithm and both algo.louvain.stream
and algo.beta.louvain.stream
are returning the same error on directionality:
CALL algo.louvain.stream('MATCH (n:alias) RETURN id(n) AS id',
"MATCH (n)--(m:alias) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target",
{ graph: 'cypher',
direction: 'BOTH',
weightProperty: 'weight',
seedProperty: 'louvain_coauthors_label',
includeIntermediateCommunities: true
}) YIELD nodeId, community, communities
RETURN algo.asNode(nodeId).name as name, community, communities
where is the best place to specify the directionality - in the cypher projection MATCH (n)--(m:alias)
or setting the configuration of the algorithm right : direction: 'BOTH'
. In any case, I had no luck running either of the commands and get the following error:
Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureCallFailed: Failed to invoke procedure `algo.beta.louvain.stream`: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Incompatible directions between loaded graph and requested compute direction. Load direction: 'OUTGOING' Compute direction: 'BOTH'
Please help.
Solved! Go to Solution.
02-11-2020 08:06 AM
As per my understanding , if we are using projections , we are trying to give a sub graph to the procedure to run the algorithm on . So, its like we are passing graph in the form of nodes and edges.Here, by default , we are taking care of direction and edge weight part in second cypher statement . So , i feel there is no need to pass the direction in the parameters when we are using cypher projections.
note, when we are passing an undirected graph in second cypher statement , this means , we are passing each edge twice .
In case , if we want to run the algorithm on all nodes of same label connected by a single type of relations, then we can simply call the procedure with Label name and relationship type.
02-10-2020 01:38 AM
hi , i don't think there is a need to specify the direction if you are using cypher projection. the procedure will consider all the edges you are returning in the second cypher statement.
to consider edge weights , you can return them in the second cypher statement.
MATCH (n)-[r]-(m:alias) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target,r.weight as weight
02-10-2020 11:34 AM
@ganesanmithun323 I do not have an example for Louvain algorithm. But in general I notice that algorithms that differentiate between directions give different answers for directed and undirected links specified in the second argument of the cypher projection:
Undirected, weighted
MATCH (n)-[r]-(m:alias) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target,r.weight as weight
Directed, weighted
MATCH (n)-[r]->(m:alias) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target,r.weight as weight
In any case, I got it worked without using cypher projection:
CALL algo.beta.louvain.stream('alias', 'co_authors', {graph: 'huge', weightProperty: 'weight', direction : 'both', seedProperty: 'louvain_coauthors_label', includeIntermediateCommunities: true
}) YIELD nodeId, community, communities
RETURN algo.asNode(nodeId).alias_name as name, community, communities
With Cypher projection:
CALL algo.beta.louvain.stream('MATCH (n:alias) RETURN id(n) AS id',
"MATCH (n)-->(m:alias) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target",
{ graph: 'cypher',
weightProperty: 'weight',
seedProperty: 'louvain_coauthors_label',
includeIntermediateCommunities: true
}) YIELD nodeId, community, communities
RETURN algo.asNode(nodeId).name as name, community, communities
CALL algo.beta.louvain.stream('MATCH (n:alias) RETURN id(n) AS id',
"MATCH (n)--(m:alias) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target",
{ graph: 'cypher',
weightProperty: 'weight',
seedProperty: 'louvain_coauthors_label',
includeIntermediateCommunities: true
}) YIELD nodeId, community, communities
RETURN algo.asNode(nodeId).name as name, community, communities
I got the error
Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureCallFailed: Failed to invoke procedure algo.beta.louvain.stream
: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Incompatible directions between loaded graph and requested compute direction. Load direction: 'OUTGOING' Compute direction: 'BOTH'
I guess the algorithm does not work with cypher projections somehow; but works only by directly specifying the node type, relationship type and direction.
02-11-2020 08:06 AM
As per my understanding , if we are using projections , we are trying to give a sub graph to the procedure to run the algorithm on . So, its like we are passing graph in the form of nodes and edges.Here, by default , we are taking care of direction and edge weight part in second cypher statement . So , i feel there is no need to pass the direction in the parameters when we are using cypher projections.
note, when we are passing an undirected graph in second cypher statement , this means , we are passing each edge twice .
In case , if we want to run the algorithm on all nodes of same label connected by a single type of relations, then we can simply call the procedure with Label name and relationship type.
03-11-2020 12:23 AM
hi,i'm still confused about the direction.
the louvain algorithm only supports undirected networks. so i should transfer the directed net into undirected ones ?
supose i have a network that A konws B,B knows C and so on.it's directed. and we call it basic_network.
if i make cypher projection as following:
"MATCH (n)--(m:user) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target"'
does it mean that the projected network i got will be undirected?
another question is "Incompatible directions between loaded graph and requested compute direction. Load direction: 'OUTGOING' Compute direction: 'BOTH'“
which is the loaded graph? the basic_network or the projected one?
many thanks.
03-11-2020 03:48 AM
yes, your projected graph will be undirected one .
you dont have to mention the direction in the property map if you are using the cypher projections
03-11-2020 04:48 AM
thanks a lot for your help.
i'm trying the example on the neo4j-graph-algorithms-user-guide-3.5.
the same error occurs
"Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureCallFailed: Failed to invoke procedure `algo.beta.louvain.stream`: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Incompatible directions between loaded graph and requested compute direction. Load direction: 'OUTGOING' Compute direction: 'BOTH' "
the code is as following. i didn't find anything wrong.but it didn't work.
MERGE (nAlice:User {id:'Alice'}) SET nAlice.community = 0
MERGE (nBridget:User {id:'Bridget'}) SET nBridget.community = 0
MERGE (nCharles:User {id:'Charles'}) SET nCharles.community = 1
MERGE (nDoug:User {id:'Doug'}) SET nDoug.community = 1
MERGE (nMark:User {id:'Mark'}) SET nMark.community = 1
MERGE (nMichael:User {id:'Michael'}) SET nMichael.community = 0
MERGE (nKarin:User {id:'Karin'}) SET nKarin.community = 1
MERGE (nAmy:User {id:'Amy'})
MERGE (nAlice)-[:FRIEND]->(nBridget)
MERGE (nAlice)-[:FRIEND]->(nCharles)
MERGE (nMark)-[:FRIEND]->(nDoug)
MERGE (nBridget)-[:FRIEND]->(nMichael)
MERGE (nCharles)-[:FRIEND]->(nMark)
MERGE (nAlice)-[:FRIEND]->(nMichael)
MERGE (nCharles)-[:FRIEND]->(nDoug)
MERGE (nMark)-[:FRIEND]->(nKarin)
MERGE (nKarin)-[:FRIEND]->(nAmy)
MERGE (nAmy)-[:FRIEND]->(nDoug)
CALL algo.louvain(
'MATCH (p:User) RETURN id(p) as id',
'MATCH (p1:User)-[f:FRIEND]-(p2:User)
RETURN id(p1) as source, id(p2) as target, f.weight as weight',
03-24-2020 09:23 AM
Have you got your answer finally?
03-24-2020 08:18 PM
You could set direction to 'OUTGOING' or anything except 'BOTH'..
It really confused me as the documentation mentioned:
04-13-2020 01:39 AM
thanks a lot. Set direction solved the problem.
However, i'm still confused about the syntax. why OUTGOING is ok?what does it mean?
03-24-2020 09:46 AM
Could you check this question again?
03-24-2020 08:34 AM
I have the same problem
I am using Neo4j 3.5.14
My graph is a non-directional graph and I am unable to use cypher projection.
Failed to invoke procedure algo.beta.louvain.stream
: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Incompatible directions between loaded graph and requested compute direction. Load direction: 'OUTGOING' Compute direction: 'BOTH'
The same Cypher projection in 3.5.2 with algo is working correctly.
However, is unable to use pre-defined community which means whatever I set the initial community seed it will goes start with 0 for final community value.
MERGE (nAlice:User {id:'Alice'})
MERGE (nBridget:User {id:'Bridget'})
MERGE (nCharles:User {id:'Charles'}) SET nCharles.community = 42
MERGE (nDoug:User {id:'Doug'}) SET nDoug.community = 42
MERGE (nMark:User {id:'Mark'}) SET nMark.community = 42
MERGE (nMichael:User {id:'Michael'})
MERGE (nKarin:User {id:'Karin'}) SET nKarin.community = 42
MERGE (nAmy:User {id:'Amy'})
MERGE (nAlice)-[:FRIEND]->(nBridget)
MERGE (nAlice)-[:FRIEND]->(nCharles)
MERGE (nMark)-[:FRIEND]->(nDoug)
MERGE (nBridget)-[:FRIEND]->(nMichael)
MERGE (nCharles)-[:FRIEND]->(nMark)
MERGE (nAlice)-[:FRIEND]->(nMichael)
MERGE (nCharles)-[:FRIEND]->(nDoug)
MERGE (nMark)-[:FRIEND]->(nKarin)
MERGE (nKarin)-[:FRIEND]->(nAmy)
MERGE (nAmy)-[:FRIEND]->(nDoug);
CALL algo.louvain('User', 'FRIEND', {
communityProperty: "community",
writeProperty: "newCommunity"
YIELD nodes, communityCount, iterations, loadMillis, computeMillis, writeMillis;
Come out:
match (n:User)
return n.id, n.community, n.newCommunity, n.communities
Is it a bug or it what it is?
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