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10-27-2020 04:44 PM
For this example:
Then execute this per documentation:
CALL apoc.import.csv([{fileName: 'file:/persons.csv', labels: ['Person']}], [], {})
This reports this error:
Failed to invoke procedure
apoc.import.csv: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No match found
Is this a bug? Or some syntax error in the documentation? The syntax sees right based on the function signature.
10-27-2020 07:38 PM
If you are using Neo4j version 4.0 and above do the following:
Open a text editor and copy these in that file:
Save this file as apoc.conf.
Place this file in data/dbms/dbms...../conf folder. neo4j.conf file also resides in this folder.
10-27-2020 08:02 PM
I have this two entries configured in conf/neo4j.conf and it seems working. It is working for other APOC procedures. For example, if I change the name to ":ID", it works fine. I am afraid the APOC import needs each entry to have a least an ID property. I tried other examples, it works.Also, I tried both 4.04 and 4.13 version, under the data/directory, there are only:
databases transactions
No 'dbms' directory.
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