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12-05-2022 11:50 PM
FOREACH ( i in range(0, 100) |
CALL apoc.create.node([$lables], $properties)
Problem: Invalid use of CALL inside FOREACH
Scenario: We are trying to create nodes with dynamic lables and range we are getting from user itself.
12-06-2022 01:33 PM
what version of Neo4j and APOC.
Also this at least works for me with Neo4j 4.4.14 / APOC and via cypher-shell
@neo4j> create database proddb1;
0 rows
ready to start consuming query after 980 ms, results consumed after another 1 ms
@neo4j> :use proddb1
@proddb1> :param label=>["Person"]
@proddb1> :param properties => {name: "Tom Hanks"}
@proddb1> :params
:param label => ["Person"]
:param properties => {name: "Tom Hanks"}
@proddb1> unwind range (1,100) as i CALL apoc.create.node($label, $properties) yield node return count(*);
| count(*) |
| 100 |
@proddb1> match (n:Person) return n limit 5;
| n |
| (:Person {name: "Tom Hanks"}) |
| (:Person {name: "Tom Hanks"}) |
| (:Person {name: "Tom Hanks"}) |
| (:Person {name: "Tom Hanks"}) |
| (:Person {name: "Tom Hanks"}) |
5 rows
ready to start consuming query after 1 ms, results consumed after another 1 ms
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