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07-02-2021 11:18 AM
Based on the given input need to skip the specific nodes and continue with the nodes connected to them.
To simplify, say I have nodes like this:
I should query this graph in the following way:
if my input is B and C, I should skip B and C and just RETURN A->D->E
If my input is A, should return B->C->D->E
If my input is F, should return A->B->C->D->E
Typically these nodes are with the same Label but with different properties, assume the given input is a unique identifier that differentiates each of the nodes(maybe a name or id).
Have tried creating virtual nodes and virtual relationships, but couldn't get what I wanted.
Can anyone please help to have a query?
07-05-2021 05:12 AM
Hi @karthiksk
If you enter B and C, then A, D, and E are possible.
However, A->D->E will not appear as is because there is no relationship from A to D.
How about using Virtual Rels?
07-06-2021 04:40 AM
Thank you @koji for your reply.
If you enter B and C, then A, D, and E are possible.
--> How is this possible? Can you please give an idea or help with the query?
Have already looked at creating virtual relationships, the problem is I will not know the starting and ending nodes to form a virtual relationship easily since the ask will be to skip any intermediate nodes.
This kind of request may also come:
Input is B and D, should return A, C, E.
07-06-2021 01:48 PM
Hi @karthiksk
This is the data.
CREATE (:Some {name:"A"})-[:Next]->(:Some {name:"B"})-[:Next]->(:Some {name:"C"})-[:Next]->(:Some {name:"D"})-[:Next]->(:Some {name:"E"})
These are the connected nodes with A.
MATCH (a:Some {name:"A"})-[*]->(other)
RETURN a, other
Skip B and C, only A, D, and E will return.
WITH ["B","C"] AS skipnodes
MATCH (a:Some {name:"A"})-[*]->(other)
WHERE NOT other.name IN skipnodes
RETURN a, other
07-14-2021 03:14 AM
Hi @koji, I tried your query as you suggested, my requirement is to send the nodes in a pair like below.
if my input is B and D, I need to send (A, C), (C, E).
I tried to code this way, is this correct?
create(a:Label{name:"A", id:1})-[r1:CONNECTED]->(b:Label{name:"B",id:2})-[r2:CONNECTED]->(c:Label{name:"C",id:3})-[r3:CONNECTED]->(d:Label{name:"D", id:4})-[r:CONNECTED]->(e:Label{name:"E", id:5})
RETURN a,b,c,d,e
My input is to select A,D and E, I have a query like this:
optional match (n1:Label{name:"A"})
optional match (n2:Label{name:"D"})
optional match (n3:Label{name:"E"})
optional match p1 = (n)-[*1..5]-(n2)
OPTIONAL match p2 = (n2)-[*1..5]-(n3)
WITH collect(p1) as p1Paths,p1, collect(p2) as p2Paths, p2, n1, n2, n3
CALL apoc.case([
size(p1Paths) > 0 AND size(p2Paths) > 0,
"RETURN [{source:n1.id, target:n2.id}] + [{source:n2.id, target:n3.id}] AS result",
size(p1Paths) > 0,
"RETURN {source:n1.id, target:n2.id} AS result",
size(p2Paths) > 0,
"RETURN {source:n2.id, target:n3.id} AS result"
"RETURN null",{p1Paths:p1Paths,p2Paths:p2Paths,p2:p2,p1:p1,n1:n1,n2:n2,n3:n3})
YIELD value as result
UNWIND result.result as c
RETURN {connectivity:collect(list)}
It will give desired results as below:
"connectivity": [
"source": 1,(A)
"target": 4 (D)
"source": 4, (D)
"target": 5 (E)
But if I have a connection like this:
create(a:Label{name:"A", id:1})-[r1:CONNECTED]->(b:Label{name:"B",id:2})-[r2:CONNECTED]->(c:Label{name:"C",id:3})-[r3:CONNECTED]->(d:Label{name:"D", id:4})-[r4:CONNECTED]->(d1:Label{name:"D", id:5})-[r5:CONNECTED]->(e:Label{name:"E", id:6})
RETURN a,b,c,d,d1,e
Now my query would return
"connectivity": [
"source": 1, (A)
"target": 4 (firstD)
"source": 4, (firstD)
"target": 6 (E)
"source": 1, (A)
"target": 5 (secondD)
"source": 5, second(D)
"target": 6 (E)
But I want a result like below:
A is connected to firstD, D is connected to secondD and second D is connected to E.
So, when my input is to select A,D and E, I would expect result also as (A,firstD), (firstD,secondD), secondD,E)
"connectivity": [
"source": 1, (A)
"target": 4 (first D)
"source": 4, (first D)
"target": 5 (second D)
"source": 5, (second D)
"target": 6 (E)
Can you please help to solve this in a better way?
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