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03-22-2019 05:07 AM
I had been using Neo4j comunity eidtion 3.0.0 In the previous version, I used to execute multiple cypher queries and output the results in individual csv files. Due to some reason, the installation was corrupted and I can't find the older version. So, I installed the latest verion of Neo4j 3.5.3
I want to know, how do I achieve the same result now? I have a '.cql' file, which has multiple cypher queries. How do I save the results of each cypher queries in individual csv files? In the previous version I had used "neo4j-shell.bat" to import the results. But in the current versions, this is not supported.
Previouly I used the following cypher command to get the results in a csv, in a cql file:
import-cypher -d"," -o E:/Graph_Database/Results/policy.csv MATCH (pol:Pol)-[r:IS_PHL]->(), (pol:Pol)-[r2:POLICY_FOR]->(veh:Veh) WHERE pol.Misc_Sls_Date >= '2019-02-19' WITH COLLECT(r2.Underwriter) AS Underwriter
, pol, COLLECT(DISTINCT(r.Credit_MatchStatus)) AS Match_Status
RETURN pol.Policy_number AS Policy_#
, CASE WHEN pol.Policy_Canceled = '0' THEN 'Active' ELSE 'Cancelled' END AS Policy_Status
, CASE WHEN pol.Fraud = '1' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS Fraud
, pol.Misc_Sls_Date AS Sale_Date
, Underwriter
, Match_Status
, pol.Brand AS Brand
Looking forward for your help.
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