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Help with getting a graph that i've created

hello, I want to get all the nodes and relations that connected to subGraphInstance node, and I'm having troubles with that,
the graph looks like this:
and I want to find it and all it's relations by the name of the subgraph
unfortunately all i'm able to get is this when I tried to run a query that goes like this:
MATCH (n:SubGraphInstance)-[r:FROM_GRAPH]->(c:CellInstance)-[g:FROM_TYPE]->(t:CellType)-[k:CELL_TYPE_FUNCTION]->(f:Function)-[v:FUNCTIONS_VARS]->(va:Variable)
WHERE "batman"

please help me with this guys!
and have a great day!!



You have specified a very specific pattern to match. It looks like two paths matched and where returned. You could try a more generalized pattern to obtain all the paths, such as:

MATCH p=(n:SubGraphInstance)-[*]-()
WHERE "batman"

I see from the data, that there looks to be four paths originating from the Batman node and terminating on a ‘Variable’ node that has only an incoming FUNCTIONS_VARS relationship type. We can use that to get more targeted and get just those paths. The following looks for paths starting from Batman and terminating on a ‘Variable’ node, I.e, no outgoing relationships.

MATCH p=(n:SubGraphInstance)-[*]-(va:Variable)
WHERE "batman
AND not exists ( (va)-[]->() )

There are also APOC methods to retrieve subgraphs originating from a node. Maybe one of the APOC experts will provide such a solution.

thank you so much!! looks like it works :)!!

and can you please explain me about the asterisk in these two cases? I do understand that it's connected to relationships, but how exactly?

Glad to. When you specify a pattern as below, it is requiring the two nodes to be exactly one relationship apart.

Match ()-[]-()

Sometimes you want to match a pattern, but you don’t want to specify the exact sequence of relationships between two nodes. In such a case, you can use variable length patterns, where you specify the number of relationships instead. The asterisk is the syntax that indicates a variable number relationships between two nodes. The match below specifies paths between two nodes that has any number of relationships between the two nodes.

Match ()-[*]-()

You can also set upper and lower bounds on the number of hops, as below, where the min is 2 relationships and the max is 6 relationships. Either the min or max is optional, allowing you to set only an upper or lower limit as well.

Match ()-[*2…6]-()

If you want to read more, try reviewing section 4.3 and the sections around it.

Awesome! thank you so much for your clear answers ,I will also review section 4.3 that you added to understand more how everything works.
and if i will have more questions I will ask 🙂