Graph Algorithms Playground
‎11-01-2019 12:00 AM
Whenever I am trying to use the codes generated in the Graph Algorithms Playground onto the Neo4J browser, I am getting the following error in setting the parameters:
- Labels:
‎11-01-2019 06:11 AM
Looks like we have a bug there. Can you try and change it to:
:param config: {concurrency: 8, direction: "Outgoing"}
Cheers, Mark
‎11-01-2019 02:44 PM
It does not work.....
‎11-04-2019 01:46 AM
You need to change the =>
to :
just after config
‎11-04-2019 02:23 PM
Dear Mark,
It worked:)
‎11-06-2019 05:49 AM
Cool. I also did a bug fix to the Graph Algorithms Playground, so if you try now hopefully the params it shows you should be valid.