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02-05-2019 11:11 PM
Hi All,
I really apologise if I'm writing this all wrong as it's my first post and I'm new to neo4j.
I simply want to find an external tool that I can connect to neo4j dB with to query the json.
Ideally I'm looking for a way to automate the export of a csv file via a tool each morning... That will query the DB, and return the results as a table within the csv file.
I'm. Sorry if I've not provodes enough info. Please do let me know.
Any help is appreciated
02-06-2019 09:29 AM
Not 100% sure what you need, like a cron job?
You could use cypher-shell with a cypher query to gather your data.
cat data-export.cypher | bin/cypher-shell -u username -p password
02-07-2019 08:01 AM
Thanks for replying Michael. This is interesting.
So basically I want to query Neo4j using Match and Return. A scenario would be to have a batch file execute a tool (perhaps Cypher shell) that has the query stored that will run against Neo4j and export the results to file (e.g. CSV)
I guess then the batch could add the file to a specific folder. Would Cypher shell query and export from a local machine (with the right perms)?
02-07-2019 01:50 PM
Cypher shell runs on the machine you run it on.
It can connect to remote neo4j servers.
You can redirect the output to a file (which might have a date suffix)
And the statements to run can come from a file too
For details on how to do this on your system I recommend to talk to your ops/devops/admin folks.
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