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10-05-2021 01:48 PM
I'm getting error calling Version: 4.3.3 gds.graph.create.cypher procedure.
The code is:
CALL gds.graph.create.cypher('my-cypher-graph_${ROOT_ID}', 'MATCH (n:Node)-[*..1]-(m:Node) WHERE n.id = "SomeValue" RETURN id(m) as id UNION MATCH (n:Node {id: "someValue"}) RETURN id(n) as id', 'MATCH (n:Node)-[*..1]-(m:Node) WHERE (n.id = "someValue" AND m.id <> "someValue") RETURN id(n) as source, id(m) as target')
but actual parameters values does not matter.
The error is:
Unable to inject component to field
tracker, please ensure it is public and non-final: Could not initialize class org.neo4j.graphalgo.compat.Neo4jProxy
The debug.log does not contain any relevant information. The query.log contains query text and same error message. Does someone know how can I fix it?
Neo4j Version is 4.3.3
10-06-2021 08:57 AM
Can you please tell me what version of GDS you are running? Thanks!
10-06-2021 11:47 AM
The problem was indeed the incompatible version of GDS. But it was unoblivious from the error message. I solved it by replacing old GDS library with the correct version.
02-18-2022 05:38 AM
Just encountered this as well. Using Docker, neo4j:4.3.7. GDS wasn't present and it downloaded an old version. Manually downloading the newest GDS fixed the issue
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