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09-26-2019 12:56 PM
I am trying to use Linkurious with our Neo4j database and having the following problem.
When I try to display a set of nodes and a specific set of edges, the tool displays all edge connection between them.
For example I want to run the following query:
MATCH (src:Node)-[i:RELATION]->(dst:NODE) WHERE dst.name="XYZ" RETURN src, i, dst
I want only the edges from the src nodes to the destination and not any others (like src to src edges).
I can achieve this in Neo4j browser by turning off “ Connect Result Nodes ” option.
How can I do this in Linkurious?
Incidentally, in preview mode the query behaves properly and displays only the desired edges. However, it doesn’t in the full visualization mode.
Can someone please help?
09-27-2019 06:10 AM
Hi bhawmik just to clarify your issue:
09-27-2019 08:33 AM
Following are my responses:
Do you have the same problem also if you start from an empty screen (i.e. no other nodes already available)?
Is correct to say that your issue is that a self-edge on the src node is added? In this case the extra edge is of type RELATION or a different type?
This needs some clarification. The query used was:
MATCH (src:Node)-[i:RELATION]->(dst:Node) WHERE dst.name="XYZ" RETURN src, i, dst
For (src) and (dst) edges exist on both directions, but I want to restrict the visualization to only (src)-->(dst) .
Incidentally in Preview mode the visualization works as desired.
What version of Linkurious are you using?
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