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Cypher query execution is not effectively

Neo4j version and hardaware configuration:

  • Neo4j version: 4.3.x Community
  • Driver: Java Bolt driver 4.1.0
  • Server: Single node - 48vCPUs - 64 GB RAM - Cento7
  • Heap: 24 GB
  • Pagecache: 28 GB

My graph model like this:
(:App {name,partition}) -[:CALL{code,partition}]->(:App{name,partition})

  •   the unique name of App node
  • CALL.code   the unique code of the relationship. The relationships which code are equals mean to they are in one http call.
  • There are index built on App(name,partition) AND CALL(code,partition)

There are more than 100k totally different relationships(code is also diffrent) between node A and node B, and node B has relationships to other App nodes X(Maybe C, D, E, F) , which code may same with A -> B, or other codes. I want to query all nodes X with the following cypher query:

match (a:App{name:"A",partition:"p"})-[r:CALL{partition:"p"}]->(b:App {name:"B",partition:"p"}) 
with b,collect(distinct r.source) as sources 
match (b)-[c:CALL{partition:"p"}]->(x:App {partition:"p"}) 
return distinct

But this query is very slow. How can i optimize it or my graph model is not suitable for this situation?

the query time should be worst if I query all intermidiate node B and its downstream node X.
Following is the query execution plan:

| Operator                               | Details                                                                                              | Estimated Rows | Rows    | DB Hits | Memory (Bytes) | Page Cache Hits/Misses |
| +ProduceResults@neo4j                  | `count(c)`                                                                                           |              1 |       1 |       0 |                |                    0/0 |
| |                                      +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------+---------+----------------+------------------------+
| +EagerAggregation@neo4j                | count(c) AS `count(c)`                                                                               |              1 |       1 |       0 |             24 |                    0/0 |
| |                                      +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------+---------+----------------+------------------------+
| +Filter@neo4j                          | cache[nd.partition] = $autostring_8 AND cache[] IS NOT NULL AND next:App AND = $aut |             24 |   60730 | 2100627 |                |                    0/0 |
| |                                      | ostring_5 AND next.partition = $autostring_6                                                         |                |         |         |                |                        |
| |                                      +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------+---------+----------------+------------------------+
| +Apply@neo4j                           |                                                                                                      |         381814 | 1059722 |       0 |                |                    0/0 |
| |\                                     +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------+---------+----------------+------------------------+
| | +NodeHashJoin@neo4j                  | nd                                                                                                   |         381814 | 1059722 |       0 | 12167290921960 |                    0/0 |
| | |\                                   +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------+---------+----------------+------------------------+
| | | +CacheProperties@neo4j             | cache[], cache[nd.partition]                                                                  |           6360 |    6361 |   12722 |                |                    0/0 |
| | | |                                  +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------+---------+----------------+------------------------+
| | | +NodeByLabelScan@neo4j             | nd:App                                                                                               |           6360 |    6361 |    6362 |                |                    0/0 |
| | |                                    +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------+---------+----------------+------------------------+
| | +DirectedRelationshipIndexSeek@neo4j | (next)-[c:CALL(partition, source)]->(nd) WHERE partition = $autostring_7 AND source IN sources       |         813705 | 2115572 | 2183511 |                |                    0/0 |
| |                                      +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------+---------+----------------+------------------------+
| +EagerAggregation@neo4j                | collect(DISTINCT r.source) AS sources                                                                |              1 |       1 |  150350 |       11710416 |                    0/0 |
| |                                      +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------+---------+----------------+------------------------+
| +Filter@neo4j                          | r.partition = $autostring_2                                                                          |              5 |   82411 |   82411 |                |                    0/0 |
| |                                      +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------+---------+----------------+------------------------+
| +Expand(Into)@neo4j                    | (n)-[r:CALL]->(next)                                                                                 |            103 |   82411 |  195424 |        8649688 |                    0/0 |
| |                                      +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------+---------+----------------+------------------------+
| +CartesianProduct@neo4j                |                                                                                                      |            253 |       1 |       0 |                |                    0/0 |
| |\                                     +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------+---------+----------------+------------------------+
| | +NodeIndexSeek@neo4j                 | next:App(partition, name) WHERE partition = $autostring_4 AND name = $autostring_3                   |            253 |       1 |       2 |                |                    0/0 |
| |                                      +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------+---------+----------------+------------------------+
| +NodeIndexSeek@neo4j                   | n:App(partition, name) WHERE partition = $autostring_1 AND name = $autostring_0                      |             16 |       1 |       2 |                |                    0/0 |


Graph Fellow

Hi @jsuper !

I haven't played with 4.3 indexes on relationships yet, but I see during the first part of the query

match (a:App{name:"A",partition:"p"})-[r:CALL{partition:"p"}]->(b:App {name:"B",partition:"p"}) 

The index on CALL is not used, a plain Filter is been executed.

First thing that I may suggest is using source even if not used, maybe with a plain exists(r.source) . In order to use composite indexes (at least on 4.2), all properties must be used.

I hope It can helps,


The query plan you provided doesn't match to the Cypher query above. Please ensure when you provide a query plan, that you provide the exact Cypher query used along with it.