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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! Neo4j memory config for write intensive application

In my neo4j machine I have limited memory but data/indexes easily exceed available memory. Machine Physical RAM: 64G. Output of bin/neo4j-admin memrec --database=graph.db Based on the above, the following memory settings are recommended: dbms.memor...

Error while executing Neo4j query include point type

neo4j version 3.4.0 The gps node contains three attributes: coordinates: point location: string type: string eg: coordinates: point({srid:4326, x:30.655691, y:104.081602}) ,location: shanghai ,type: gps I encountered an error while querying: curl htt...

Q/A system using graphs

i am completely new to the neo4j but i practiced a lot to build graph models using small data sets. now i am trying to implement Q/A system using graph functions. How to add new set of question and answer to the graphs and how to retrieve answers fr...

st118307 by Node Link
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Resolved! UNION vs MATCH/WITH/COLLECT/UNWIND performance

How is the performance of UNION queries versus the MATCH/WITH/COLLECT/UNWIND strategy? The latter allows for post-union processing for sorting and processing, but I fear a performance hit in looping through the result sets. I wonder if it is better t...

awu by Node
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Resolved! Get top/bottom node by property value

I suspect that I'm just asking a basic question in a new and less intelligent way, but is there a way of getting just the top/bottom node by value without going through an ORDER BY, collect()[..1], UNWIND? It just feels very long-winded, and somethi...

dbeaumon by Node Link
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Can't create a node with nested sub-properties

I have searched everywhere, but cannot find the answer to this. I need to create a node Config that has a Properties object with 2 key/value pairs (name and type). The keys, when queried, should end up as and properties.type. But I ca...

Create 1 node for use during CSV loading

Simply put, I have a Spark job that's run, the output of which is a CSV. Currently, I load this CSV into Neo4j without problems. But, I'd like to do one more step: add a single node representing information about the job run to the graph that will li...

massung by Node Clone
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Information about the Bolt protocol

Hello everyone, where can I find information about how to use the bolt protocol? I mean, without using a driver, like if I would like to use the protocol to communicate with Neo4j directory.

Resolved! How can I add a condition in "SIMILARITY"

Excuting the query of similarity was successuful by using this : MATCH (at1:Attrib)<-[r:ASSIGNED]-(c:Contrat)-[x:ASSIGNED]->(at2:Attrib) MERGE (at1)-[s:SIMILARITY]-(at2) And then , to display only Attribs which are working together , I worked with ...


Procedure return type

Hello everyone, I am having some problems with the Cypher procedures. I want to return the graph that I get from executing a cypher query but I can't wrap my head around what type I need to return from my procedure method and what GraphDatabaseServic...

Resolved! Variable Length path - multiple relationships returned

Why does this query return more than just the produced relationship ? Also, what does the limit clause in this query represent? I'm not sure exactly what it is limiting to 3. match p=(k:Person)-[:PRODUCED*2]-(m) where not (k)-[:PRODUCED]-(m) return p...

rcfro2 by Node Clone
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Data structure question (De-duplication, sort of...)

Greetings all! I have been struggling with what might be considered deduplication, except it's a matter of deleting similar nodes, rather than precise duplicates. Let me try and explain: I have (:Author) nodes, with [:WROTE] relationships to (:Book) ...