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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! Importing data string where the string is a path

I am importing from a very old db I have. It saves relationship only for display so it is saved as stirng like "a/b/c/d" where the path is a->b->c->d of the same label. Each row have this path and im trying to make a new node where it connected to t...

Desktop reports "Requested permission 'backgroundProcess' is not declared in manifest.json file of 'Neo4j ETL Tool' graph-app" when I tried to add a connection

When I tried to add a MySQL connection and click the button "TEST AND SAVE CONNECTION", the ETL tool UI has no response at all, while the Desktop UI reports error: Desktop API call failed at graph app 'neo4j-etl-ui'. Error: Invalid request. Requeste...


Display of properties

Can anyone please suggest whether or how it is possible to configure the graph platform to display (not just list) properties? I am interested in constructing a networked set of nodes that present visually connections informed by these properties (no...

Document removal of properties by setting to null

In the neo4j docs I can't find any mention of properties being deletable by setting to null, but it appears to work. Using this feature has the benefit of allowing PATCH request to our API which delete properties to use the same query, and execution ...

Help re-writing query

I currently have a query of these style: MATCH (a:NodeA { `value`: 9 }) MATCH (b:NodeB { `othervalue`: 45 }) WITH a,b MATCH p = ()-[*1..5]-() WHERE (a in nodes(p) OR b in nodes(p)) RETURN DISTINCT(p) The idea is to return all the different graphs i...

lean by Node
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Resolved! Get value from Extract() functions in Java

I need to get value from path that I will use one of the properti from the relations, so I use extract to do it. The cypher runs good when I try in the neo4j browser. I use record.get("params").asString(); also i try ti use asPath().toString(); But, ...

Apoc.load.ldap queries from the root of the domain

When using apoc.load.ldap It is unable to query from the top-level domain. For example, I have a query to return OU container objects: call apoc.load.ldap({ldapHost:'',loginDN:'cn=queryuser,cn=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=com',loginPW:'pa...

pdrangeid by Graph Voyager
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COLLECT the properties of a node and update the values

I need to normalize the math scores that are stored as a property on the node and then update the same property with a normalized value. I have tried this: MATCH (r:MathScore) WITH COLLECT(r.score) as myScores UNWIND myScores as x WITH myScores, min(...

vsaran by Neo4j
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