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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Is this query can be improved?

This is a network graph. Nodes are connected to other nodes with CONNECTED relation. MATCH path = (s:startPoint {id:'123'}) - [:CONNECTED*] - (e:endPoint) WITH path UNWIND relationships(path) as paths with DISTINCT paths as distinctPath MATCH p = () ...

About the Neo4j 4.0 category

We want to encourage feedback for the Neo4j 4.0 release. Please share your comments, experiences and findings but also ideas and suggestions for the new release. Main areas: multi-database,reactive-drivers,spring-data-neo4j-rx

How to keep data up-to date in Neo4j?

Hello Team, I am looking for a suggestion on keeping the data up-to date in Neo4j. I mean to say - If data is loaded in Neo4j lable either using CSV or JDBC DB connection on day 1. On Day 2 , Some data is removed from the data source ( either from cs...

Resolved! Support for Point() type in cypher-shell

We are using Neo4j Enterprise 3.5.9 and have a node with the following properties: <id>:28, center: point({srid:4326, x:114.159662, y:22.282054}), created: 1514764800.0, lat: 22.282054, lng: 114.159662, name: Centralradius_m: 500 When I run the simp...

paul2 by Node
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Neo4j Community compatability with JAVA 11

Hi Everyone, I have a problem running neo4j in JAVA 11.. currently Im running neo4j 3.3.5 in JAVA 8 and it's working fine, however upon upgrading to JAVA 11 I can run neo4j in console but wasn't able to login. I read some comments here(https://github...

Resolved! Failed to invoke procedure `apoc.load.jsonParams`

What do I want to achieve? I am calling an API with Bearer Token. What doesn't work? In Neo4j Desktop the import runs without problems. As soon as I want to roll out the same coding for my instance on EC2 (with Docker), I get an error message. Error...

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Execution/Memory problem with Louvain Graph Algo

Hi folks, I'm trying to run the Louvain algorithm using the Graph Algorithms plugin. I ran the memory recommender to see how much memory I would roughly need: Full map view: {name:graph with procedure,components:[{name:Louvain,components:[{name:this...


Creating a new Database in a Neo4j Causal Cluster

There is so much confusion and very little help online (at least in one place). So I went ahead and wrote a post about creating a new DB in the same causal cluster. Medium – 14 Nov 19 Creating a new Database in a Neo4j Ca...

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Backticks and neo4j javascript driver

Hi, I am wondering if there is a more elegant way to write queries where you have to escape characters from the neo4j driver? This is my current solution: 'CALL apoc.load.json({sourcejsonfile}) YIELD value WITH va...

fred by Node Link
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Azure Template: can't sign in

Good morning everyone. I am having some difficulties signing into my graph database. I have set up an environment on Azure, using the template at