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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Load json into DB

Hi, Just need some pointers on load json file into db. I have a requirement that receieve a json file, then read and process it in db. number of lines in json would be ~1200 lines..

Can't start Neo4j Desktop on Debian 8

I'm trying to install Neo4j Desktop on Debian 8. I have followed the instructions here: I have downloaded the file and made it executable. When I run t...

How to model a product hierarchy relationship?

For example: Product -> Car -> ElectricCar -> Telas Model S Product -> Phone -> SmartPhone -> iPhone 8 Should Product->Car->ElectricCar be modelled as a IS_A relationship, as above, or these 3 levels of product categories all become 'Telas Model S' '...

lingvisa by Graph Fellow
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Resolved! Variable Not defined

This is my query MATCH (n:SampleLabel)-[:R1]->(n2:Genus) WITH {, genus_specie: n2.genus_specie } AS productDetails RETURN productDetails ORDER BY SKIP 0 LIMIT 5...

Neo4j Desktop doesn't start on my Ubuntu 18

I just downloaded the Desktop version for my Kbuntu 18, and execute: sudo chmod +x neo4j-desktop-offline-1.2.3-x86_64.AppImage Then: ./neo4j-desktop-offline-1.2.3-x86_64.AppImage However, it didn't start: ./neo4j-desktop-offline-1.2.3-x86_64.AppImage...

lingvisa by Graph Fellow
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Resolved! Failed to query with multi MATCH and WITH clauses

I have a match query which failed to run on Neo4j match (b)-[]-() with count(*) as middleNodeRelations,b match (a)-[]->() with count(*) as endNodesRelations,a match(a: html) < -[r1]-(b: html) < -[r2]-(c: html) where (middleNodeRelations=2) AND (end...

Problem importing JSON

I am having a really difficult time importing from a JSON similar to this one. I have no problems with the majority of the data. It is the data contained in the section below that is: "configurations" : { "ABC_data_version" : "4.0", "nodes" : [ { "o...

jwcqcon by Node
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